2014年7月23日 星期三

"FASHION BABY" @ Fabrik Gallery

今個暑假上環的Fabrik Gallery將展出上海著名當代藝術家邱勝賢的個人畫展「Fashion Baby」。邱勝賢獨特的畫風結合著中國傳統古典元素以及現代時尚表現主義。今次的油畫系列「Fashion Baby」透過服飾和妝容來探索時間與地理、傳統與時尚的矛盾。每幅肖像都描繪著迷人、嫵媚的中國女性。她們身穿傳統古代中國服裝同時卻戴著1920年代的爵士風格頭飾、口塗紅唇、手拿紅酒,長菸。顏色與服飾的搭配有著強烈的視覺衝突,營造了 非常有趣的時空交錯,反思、 重塑著現代中國女性的形象。喜歡時尚和藝術的朋友從現在至8月15日絕對不容錯過「Fashion Baby」!

This summer Sheung Wan’s Fabrik Gallery is showing the solo exhibition of renowned Shanghai contemporary artist, Qiu Shengxian, in a collection of oil paintings titled “Fashion Baby”. Qiu’s distinctive style combines traditional Chinese elements with contemporary fashion expressionism. “Fashion Baby” explores the boundaries and contradictions between time and space, tradition and modernity through fashion. Each portrait features sensuous, alluring Chinese women. Though they wear traditional ancient Chinese dress, simultaneously they adorn 1920s jazz inspired headpieces and red lips, hold glasses of red wine and cigarettes. The contrast between colors and fashion of different times create very interesting pictures that reflects and re-imagines the modern Chinese woman. For those who love art and fashion, “Fashion Baby” is an exhibition not to be missed from now until August 15.

2014年7月16日 星期三

2014 春夏 現代藝術與時尚邂逅 - 抽象主義

Spring/Summer 2014  When Fashion Meets Modernism - Abstract Expressionism

抽像主義透過點、線、色彩、形體、構圖等傳達各種情緒,Catwalk上的2014春夏季時裝中,多款設計有著潑墨色彩及不規則線條搭配,各有Pollock、Kandinsky、 Klee等抽象大師的影子 。

Abstract Expressionism uses dots, lines, colors, shapes and composition to convey different emotions.  On the Spring/Summer 2014 Runway, many collections features designs with paint splashes, irregular lines, and abstract patterns, evoking the masterpieces by Pollock, Kandinsky, and Klee.

Jil Sander 



Paint splatters are very good for creating abstract expressionist looks, likewise colorful irregular floral can also give the sense of spontaneity that’s essence to the freedom of expression in Abstract Expressionism.




Prubal Gurung 




To avoid clutter and confusion in your ensemble (we want abstract chic, not abstract chaos), choose printed tops or bottoms to match with basic solid color separates, or patterned one-pieces.