2014年6月26日 星期四

2014 春夏 現代藝術與時尚邂逅 - Art Nouveau 歐洲新藝術

2014 Spring/Summer When Fashion Meets Modernism -  Ar t N o u v e a u 

1910年代的歐洲新藝術風潮,喜歡以華麗曲線、自然圖案及花卉植物圖形等創出天馬行空之意念。今年Gucci 春夏季系列的靈感便來自Art Nouveau 的華麗特質。

European Art Nouveau of the 1910s liked to use elaborate and flamboyant curves, organic shapes and floral patterns to create imaginative designs.  This year, Gucci’s spring collection is inspired by Art Nouveau’s signature vortex swirls.

    Alphonse Mucha 歐洲新藝術插圖 Art Nourveau illustrations


Art Nouveau 風格重點在於結合曲線和植物圖案,每年春夏季必備的Floral 衣物可為大派用場,但需謹記並不是任何碎花都能製造這種新藝術風格。從 Gucci 之系列可見Art Nouveau 的顏色搭配偏向沈色,而且稍微有閃亮元素點綴。這樣的色調配搭才能充分體現像捷克Art Nouveau大師Alphonse Mucha 插畫中表達的成熟神秘感。所以選擇花卉圖案時,可以著重挑選墨綠、酒紅、泥黃、深紫色等,有亮片點綴就更能突出Art Nouveau的柔媚魅力。

The essence of Art Nouveau is the combination of curves and botanical motifs, so the staple spring/summer floral pieces can definitely come in handy.  But remember, Art Nouveau florals isn't just any other beach floral.  From Gucci’s collection, it can be seen that the palette of Art Nouveau favors deeper colors with shiny details.  Only a subdued color palette with colors like emerald, burgundy, maroon and deep purple, can capture the enigma of Alphonse Mucha’s Art Nouveau muses.  Decorative sequence can give the ensemble a touch of subtle glamour.

      H&M                                                                  Forever 21


